Thursday 14 May 2009

Wanita juga punya ego

I dont like my partner can cook better than me.
Because he will comment any thing and it's kind of irritating.
And luckily, Pangeran keriting obviously can't cook well.
So, he will eat everything I make without any comment,hehehe.
and I am happy =)


  1. haha yokatta ne, btw klo aku malah seneng cowok jago masak, if you know someone who can cook well, please introduce to me! ^_^

  2. hahahaha...
    kayaknya stock kaum adam di sana juga ga kurang bukan? hihihi

  3. hhmm berarti ini ga me-refer kepada Jamie Oliver hahahaha.. Kayaknya posisi kita kebalikan, ah tapi ga juga, ak klo masak jg kan enak, si item itu aja yg kadang2 sok jago masak, hih
